They say not all ltteers slhoud be in oderr to make shmnetoig radaeble... but diong it ctontnsaly ...


import random
import string
import re
from sys import stdin

def Ranomzdie(hello):

if len(hello) > 1:
ret = hello[0]
ret = ""

w = hello[1:-1]
i = len(w)

while i:
l = random.randint (1,i)-1;
ret = ret + w[l]
w = w[:l] + w[l+1:]
i = i - 1

ret = ret + hello[-1:]

return ret

words, k, r, b = stdin.readlines(), 0, "", 0

while k < len(words):
j, i= len(words[k]), 0
while i < j:
if words[k][i].isalpha():
b = i
while i < j and words[k][i].isalpha():
i = i + 1
r = r + Ranomzdie(words[k][b:i])
while i < j and not words[k][i].isalpha():
r, i, b = r + words[k][i], i+1, b+1

k = k + 1
print r